Good morning, afternoon, evening, day, or night. You pick, doesn’t much matter to me what time you’re stopping by, I’m just happy you’re here. By now you’re probably wondering why you are here and, to be honest, I am too. You won’t find any fluff or fancy crap here. Just another jerk with a keyboard and an opinion.
I know, just what this world needs, right? Another idiot spouting off about shit he, or she, knows nothing about. They all claim to be experts but really they’re mostly a bunch of overpaid washouts parroting the party line. If opinions really are like assholes, these are just the assholes that fart the loudest.
Which brings us back to yours truly, just a lonely asshole tooting out my opinions quietly and for free…an unpaid Bill speaking his long overdue mind.
The topics will vary widely. Some may be controversial, most will not. I am not here to stir up trouble or tell anyone they are wrong and I am right. More often than not, the opposite is true. I’m here to comment on the topics of the day as well as some of the odder thoughts that occasionally dance through my mind. I hope to be thought provoking and entertaining enough to bring some of you back again and again.
This is just the first in what will be a long line of nonsense. So be sure to check back often and tell your friends and neighbors. But maybe leave the children at home, my language can get a little salty sometimes and my mind often wanders to the darker side of the tracks. Who knows, maybe one day, with your support, I’ll be able to fart as loud as those other assholes and be a paid Bill instead?